Commercial theaters have been the corner stone of our business. Movie theaters were once the most technologically advanced facilities in the world. Imagine living in the 1920s and you have an ice box that you need to load with ice daily to keep your food cold and a telephone was something you neighbor had. This was also a time that you could go to a theater to hear and see a movie in air-conditioned comfort.
Until the development of the United States space agency (also known as NASA), the entertainment industry has driven many technology advancements. The movie theater was a major driving force that created the need to develop better experiences to a large paying public.
The design and engineering of a movie theater requires more knowledge and expertise than any other entertainment facility. Theaters have very large and complex sound systems; some have over 8 discrete channels, powered with over 15,000 watts of energy and able to generate 105db (like being at a rock concert) in a 1000 seat room. The theater must also have acoustics good enough to maintain short reverberation times so the dialogue is clear and understandable. There is also a powerful projection system that can light a screen that is 4 stories high and 10 stories wide.
We have seen many technologies such as carbon arc lamps and vacuum tubes disappear and new ones such as the Integrated Circuit, Digital Signal Processing, Dolby Stereo, Digital Audio and Digital Video become the new technology of the present. We are excited about the new advancements of digital projection in the commercial theater and stay knowledgeable on all other current and developing technologies.
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